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Ostrich Burgers & Lincolnshire Sausage BBQ

Ostrich Burgers & Lincolnshire Sausage BBQ

Ostrich Burgers & Lincolnshire sausage BBQ


75 Lincolnshire sausage & 75 Ostrich Burgers.


Ostrich is a great healthy alternative made from 90% prime Ostrich Steak.


This menu is ideal for a corporate event such as an open day or a new product to market promotional event.

This menu will feed up to 75 people Cooked to perfection & served by our chef at your chosen location.
We will provide a catering station with disposable napkins and a selection of sauces to accompany your menu choices. We will be on site for up to 3 hours with 2 members of staff for the service & all our refuse will go home with us leaving your premises just how we found it.


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